July Citrus Tech Walllpaper

July! Already. (As I say every month.) After a great 4th of July weekend with my family and in-laws, I'm back home with the kids and my husband for a full month of family time. He's a teacher and I'm now a stay-at-home mom, so we decided to take our 4-year old out of preschool for the month and spend some quality time together. 

Happy tech wallpaper: free download at delightedco.com

We have some fun day activities planned in the bay area and will also be doing lots of neighborhood activities (mainly the park and bakery stops :) as well as some visiting with family. And of course, my husband and I will trade kid duties here and there so we both get some time to ourselves. 

For instance, I currently have our home to myself while he is with the kids visiting his grandma a couple cities away. I've had some time to paint and also need to get a few other things checked off my list, such as posting the July download. These citrus slices are cheerful and make me smile inside and I hope they do the same for you.

As usual, I have an iPad, iPhone and desktop version available for download. Sign-up below for the link and enjoy!


Free Download: Watercolor Lemon Tech Wallpaper

It's May and this month's freebie is a cheerful lemon wallpaper for your iPhone, desktop computer or iPad. Choose the version with or without a calendar and enjoy!

Free Tech Wallpaper for iPhone, iPad, or Desktop. Watercolor lemon pattern by Amanda Gomes • Delighted Creative Co.

Sign-up for my email list below to access download.